Happenings in the Caravan.
Happenings in the Caravan.
Everyone is back, safe and sound, from India, and we're dancing along on our next journey. Check out this video!
We had a wonderful time (as always) hosting DanceFest! with nine other local dance schools. It was a beautiful culmination of dances from all walks of life, and we want to thank everyone who came out to support the local arts, and all the dance schools and participants as well.
*This DanceFest! was also the last DanceFest! for our youth company girls before they graduate and go off to college. Wishing them the best!* L-R: Neve, Morgane, Kaya, Alena.
Be a part of this cool project!
“Robert has been very much a part of helping us raise funds and awareness for Turn, Turn, Turn. This is a wonderful project. Tell your story! ”
"Dear Friends,
As some of you know I had the great pleasure of knowing and working with the late great Pete Seeger since the time I first met him back in 1978 at the first Hudson River Revival. The Germans have a tradition honoring wise old teachers with a written collection of reflections and remembrances they call a FESTSCHRIFT as a Celebration in writing of the scholars life and work!
As is the case with most of the books available about Pete they tend to be Scholarly in their basic approach. What I am suggesting is a popular collection of essays, poems, songs, photos, etc...from the folks whose life he profoundly touched in so may wonderful ways.
I had no greater friend and teacher than Pete and however poorly I have tried every day to follow his example. I know many of you have also been deeply touched by him and miss him daily.
During these times of dark fascism emerging in our land we need the memory of Pete and his courage and good deeds out there for folks to consider as alternatives to the Trumpkins and the elite.
So if you have a story or two, a song to share, some cool memories of what Pete meant to you, or just a fun story please send something into me at RVP121353@aol.com
I will put up the money to have the materials received into either a E BOOK or hard copy and see to its broad distribution. Any profits will be donated to support the Sloop Woody Guthrie owned and operated by the Beacon Sloop Club in the Hudson Valley as it continues to help keep Pete and Toshi Seeger's mission alive. Along this line it is hard to think of Pete by himself without his lifetime partner Toshi. So memories of her and the two of them together would also be most welcome and appropriate. In real sense the "Celebrity" Pete would not have been out there without her support and partnership!
Hope to hear from you all soon
Fair Winds
Robert V Peters"