Welcome, teachers, administrators, students, parents, and caregivers!
This page contains useful downloads and information, evaluation forms, and media resources for you to utilize as you dance alongside The Vanaver Caravan in your school program. We hope you find this page helpful. Please reach out if you can’t find what you need.
Dance Encyclopedia
We can bring any of these dances to your school…
Use the Filter below to search by region, country, or difficulty or use the magnifying glass icon to search the entire database.
Arts Ed Video Samples
Vassar Road Elementary School special
Our Arts Education Mission
Over 30 years ago, folk singer and activist, Pete Seeger, reached out to The Vanaver Caravan's founders, Bill and Livia Vanaver, with an idea to bring their diverse and expansive dance encyclopedia into schools. "The arts," he said. "Will save the world."
Caravan Curriculum Materials
Additional Arts Education Dance Video Samples
Excerpts from the 25th Annual CALICO BALL in Beacon, New York.
Our work in schools in Udaipur, India during the Shakti Caravan Pilot. 2012.
There’s even more on our YouTube channel. Watch, like, and subscribe!
Grading Materials
Download our helpful grading rubric for your students.
Dance Assembly Study Guides
Pastures of Plenty Woody Guthrie Tribute Study Guide
Turn Turn Turn Pete Seeger Show Study Guide
Earthbeat world dance celebration study guide.